Thursday, September 8, 2011

Finding a Church While Developing a Church

I think that its normal for teenagers, especially college aged ones, to feel like they need a new church once they hit high school or once they graduate high school. I think that what I've been going through is perfectly normal.
You see, I've grown up at Alcoa United Methodist Church. They've helped raise me into the woman I am today. They've helped establish my beliefs and welcomed me to God. But one issue I think that comes with being a leader in a church is that I'm not very sure that many, or any for that matter, really know who I am. Ever since my sophomore year of high school I've been leading music. I started out in youth band at the beginning of my sophomore year, then went on to early service on Sunday mornings. Junior and Senior year Zach and I were the youth band leaders. So I've been leading during the most important parts of my transition into adulthood and who I am as a person. Now that I've been through it all, I'm not so sure its really the healthiest thing for most young people.
When you're leading anything in a church you're put on a pedestal. People expect more out of you and expect you to be "perfect" in a sense. Yes, it is even expected of teenagers. If you make mistakes, you get talked about. On occasion someone will come talk to you, but most of the time, the talking goes on behind your back. And before I go on I want to say that I'm not saying any gossip about me happened at Alcoa, I'm just saying it does happen. So with all of that pressure, I became a quote unquote "perfect" person in and out of church. To be honest, I'm not sure I ever really had a chance to be a kid. Granted, I've never really had that chance due to the whole parents getting divorced thing, but still. I've never been part of my youth group. I've always been a leader. I never really felt included in anything because, as I later found out, the other youth members were intimidated by me because I had everything put together and I was perfect. When I found out that this was the reason I was never really included, it kind of broke my heart. I am still genuinely saddened by this. I never wanted to intimidate anyone. I wanted to be friends with everyone. I loved (and still do) each and everyone of those kids. They're my family. But I was an outsider to them. I had to put on this whole charade of being perfect and put together, only to have to shatter in my face.
Another negative aspect? Churches encounter drama. In my case, I had a very bad experience that really hurt me and honestly turned me from church for a little while. I suppose its one of the reasons why I've had a hard time staying in church this past summer. Its scary to go back when something that is supposed to build you up and make you safe and feel loved ends up turning on you and hurting you. Its like a bad breakup. You find yourself afraid to jump back in again.
I then began attending Saint John's United Methodist Church, a church that Alcoa is helping rebuild. My old associate pastor went there to be the pastor and he was the one I had the best relationship with. Don't get me wrong, my Alcoa pastor rocks and I've got a good relationship with him, too, but Pastor Bill was the one who was knee deep in belief that the youth needed the attention and love the most. He truly believed in us and gave us a chance. He even let me preach a sermon! He's awesome. So I went there, and began to lead music right off the bat. And I think that is where I went wrong. Instead of getting to know me as Sarah, they got to know me as the girl who has it all together who sings with Joey on Sunday. And I don't want to be that anymore. So I haven't been back to Saint John's in a while, and I intend to go back soon, but I've not had the chance. I had to separate myself.
So the past little bit I've gone through sadness of not having a youth group anymore and not having Jesus time on Wednesdays. I've not had a solid group to go to. I used to go to youth every Wednesday, but since I graduated, I can't go anymore. Which honestly? Its a shame. You keep kids in youth type services all their life then when they graduate they get kicked out the door. Alcoa has a young adult group but its not got an age focus. We need a college age group, a young married couples group, and a new family group. You can't really bunch all those ages together and get anything done well enough for each age group! Its just doesn't work that way. Each group is at a different level in life than the other. Too much clashing. Anyways. On top of needing a youth group type thing to attend, I'm in need of a church. So here is me: a timid, broken, newly engaged, college freshman who feels sad and alone and in need of a church family that knows her as the person she is, not the person she is when she is leading music.
Two Wednesdays ago I went to Sevier Heights The Walk for college age kids. There were so many people, it was crazy. We walk up and there is a welcome group who finds out your name and writes it down so you have a name tag. Then they welcome you in with smiles on their faces, because they're genuinely happy you made it! We walk in the room and I felt like I was back in Atlanta. I was totally at Passion City Church. So many high schoolers and college age students. Everyone there to worship God and learn more about His love. The music was great, they even played "Our God"! The speaker is very humble and there are no secrets with him. He's very straightforward with all of us. His message really hit home. So then at the end of the service he informs us that this whole team of volunteers spent the last 45 minutes washing all of our cars. That act of love meant so much to my heart. I cried. These strangers I've never met in my life that don't know a thing about me spent their time rushing through the parking lot trying to get each car clean. Oh, but that's right, you don't know how many cars there were because you possibly don't know how big Sevier Heights is and how big their parking lot is. Here, I'll show you:

This is the inside of the church, their sanctuary. So, imagine this whole church filled with teenagers and how many cars that brings. Over 700 cars. In 45 minutes. Do you understand why this act of love means so much to me now? I've never experienced something like that before with a church, ever. So naturally I went back again this past Wednesday. The music was just a good and the sermon hit home even harder than the last. I'm planning on joining a small group there. So all thanks to God I have found a youth group. I have a youth home.
Now for church. Last week I visited FaithPromise church. It was good, but it wasn't what I needed. The sermon was awesome. It was something I could understand and the message hit home with me. I think it was the music maybe, or maybe just that there weren't enough people, I'm not sure. But something was off. So not this Sunday but the next I'm going to be visiting Vineyard. I went there off and on for around a year and I love Aaron McCarter and his wife. They're sweet people. I plan to visit High Praises and Sevier Heights before we (as in Rob and I) decide on a church home. I know I'll find it eventually, its just a matter of searching.
So if you don't mind, I would love your prayers (I seem to ask for your prayers a lot!) that I find a church home, and that God continues to work the miracles He's working in my life. I'm so thankful for Him. And I'm so thankful for the opportunity to worship Him freely and love Him and have a chance to search out my church home.
I love all of you at Alcoa and Saint John's if you're reading this, by the way. I'll still be at Alcoa every other Sunday to work and I'll come visit at Saint John's some when I can! Thank you all for your support. It means a lot to me.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Being Hit Hard by the Father of Lies

10 For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, as it is written: “Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law.”

I am cursed.
Right now my mind is swirling.
Right now my heart is aching with pain.
Right now I can only shake my head at myself.
Oh, my Father, I am cursed. I am gone astray.
I continue to make mistakes day after day no matter how hard I try.
I focus on one area in my life and neglect the others.
I slip and fall and allow the things that hurt You most into my life.
How can you love a sinner like me, my Father?
How can I be your daughter?
When I continue to hurt you as I do?
Daddy, I am stained with my sins.
Eloi, Eloi, please, I am sorry.
You've asked so little of me, yet I've been convinced it is impossibly too much.
Father how can I be of You?
I allow sleep to be a master of my life.
I let fear grip my heart.
I use words and have an unclean mouth.
My anger spills from my body with no control.
I judge my brothers and sisters and forget to show them Your unending love.
I take control of my own life instead of let you show me the way.
I procrastinate and take my time when You've asked me to be prompt.
I rush through my time with You, and all You want is my attention and love.
Rarely do I push from my comfort zone, I seldom speak of your love publicly.
The Father of Lies gets inside of my head and I succumb to his will and try to twist things into his will instead of listening to my Spirit telling me to step away.
Deep, dark, evil lies ensnare my mind and fill me with hopelessness.
The devil knows the fears and pains of my life and tortures me with them, Abba.
He refuses to give up his fight.
Spinning inside of me a doubt and fear I cannot comprehend.
I am sorry for forgetting how great a price Jesus paid for me!
How wretched am I? Why do I continue to let you down and break your heart?
When you would give your only Son just to save my life.
He gave His life for me upon that cross!
He was tortured and mocked and spit upon and laughed at, just so that I would have a chance to meet you in Heaven! Just so that I would have a chance to know and love you!
But Father!!
The Father of Lies has forgotten this crucial detail.

13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.”

Our God.
He is....Father. Yahweh. Redeemer. Lover. Master. King. Ruler. DADDY.
The Father of Lies is just a tool to this world. He attempts to work his magic and tell us how wicked we are. He wants to try to steal us away from God. But he won't win.
He will not win my soul.
My soul is owned by a Being so powerful and so majestic that words cannot even begin to describe Him. My life is protected by a Man so large, but we cannot see Him. My heart is captured by a Father so loving and powerful that I fear His ability.
The devil has his powers. He can end my life if he tries hard enough. But fine.
You may end my life on earth, but I will be in Heaven with my Father.
I'm just a pilgrim traveling on this earth. This is not my final resting place.
God loves us. God forgives us. No matter how much we mess up, no matter what it is that we do when we mess up, as long as we still love and fear Him and seek forgiveness, we are in His home.
The devil may be right.
He does have a point.
We are cursed.
We are gone astray.
We will never be perfect.
We break our Father's heart every day.
But Jesus saves.
We are forgiven!
How incredible is that?

Daddy, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you!! Thank you for saving my life through your Son! I am so very sorry for my million and one mistakes. I'm sorry I break your heart repeatedly.
I'm sorry I try to take things into my own hands.
I'm sorry I put off your will and judge your children.
I'm sorry I succumb to my anger and try to hurt others on occasion.
I'm sorry I let the devil into my mind and let him twist things in my head so that I feel abandoned.
I'm sorry I blame you for the bad in my life sometimes.
I'm sorry I worry.
I'm sorry I continue to fail.
But I am trying. And I know you love me. Thank you for everything you've given me in my life.
Thank you Daddy.
Thank you.
You are Yahweh. You are Abba. You are beyond any power. You are stronger than anything. You are. The way you know my heart? The way you ease my soul? Father I adore you.
I am the daughter of a King.
You are my King.

Please go listen to this song. It will break your heart. It will make you feel so low. But then...oh how Jesus saves! It will make you cry. Father you are incredible! Please go listen. And please listen to Shane's story here.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

How Will "Sunday's" Go?

Oddly enough, one of the first things that Ev and I decided we needed to cover was what exactly we would do (aka, sermons) each time we meet. We decided we would start by reading a bunch of books. We've got this long list of books to get through before we start the church. We'll do lessons from that and we'll also do video podcasts when we can and watch videos when we can.
I am a huge C.S. Lewis fanatic. I'm hugely obsessed with his works, especially The Chronicles of Narnia. So this is one of the things I plan on going through and finding topics to cover through Narnia. There is so much magic in the words he writes in those stories.
We also are going to go through Forgotten God and Rob Bell's books and so many others. The list is huge, but we've got the time. I'm going to cover the harder to read books and Ev is going to cover the easier to read books.
If you know of some really great books that would be good for us to read, please let us know.
This is going to be a fun and changing experience. Right now I'm happy with the progress we're making. We plan on taking all the time necessary so that this gets the time and attention that God intends. There is a lot that is needed to prepare for a church.
The first book I plan on attacking is something by Rob Bell. I've not decided which one just yet, but I will get that decided on in the next few days.
We hope you all are having a great month of August.
Please keep the people of Indianapolis in your prayers.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This is the Beginning

On August 1st, 2011 Evie and I made the decision that we needed to start a church.
Now, why we made this decision, honestly, we aren't too sure. It was late.
But we made the decision, nonetheless.
We were sitting on the porch of Starbucks talking about how much we disliked life at the moment. See, he's new to the high school life and the drama that comes with it. I, on the other hand, am new to this wonderful new world of being a college student and growing up and life is just gross and difficult.
We were talking about how both of us had sort of slipped from God and weren't doing what we should be doing. We realized that our small group had basically failed because none of us were committed enough. We realized that we had issues with churches and that we didn't really know what to do. We realized that we haven't found a church we like as much as Passion City Church.
So with all of that, we decided that we wanted to start a church in my living room. We decided that we're changing our small group to a church. We're going to create a church.
We don't know what we're going to call it right now. We don't know when exactly we're going to start this up but right now we've got a lot that we have to do until we're ready for this.
We're aiming for a contemporary church, no denominations needed. We've got a lot on our plate.
But we're ready.
So we want your prayers.
We want your support.
And here's the beginning (: